Making Africa Attractive to big investors.

Lena Sène CEO DCA

Making Africa Attractive to big investors.

The news hits the headlines of Senegalese press. Léna Sène, the campaign director of Idrissa Seck during the presidential election 2012, put an end to her political career. In an interview granted to Senegalese newspaper Quotidien, she decided to dedicate herself to her family and her professional activities. Léna Sène, one of the rare Africans to have worked in the White House, indicated to have set up Developing Capital for Africa (DCA), a cabinet that will allow making of Africa, a privileged destination of big investors.

Léna Sène is planning to put at the service of development of Africa, her acquired experiences in the biggest American banks (JP Morgan and Lehman Brothers).

« We bring a work experience in domains of fund mobilization of and resources mobilization, strategic positioning, market study, public / private partnerships development and project management. We have access to a vast network of institutional investors in the United States, in Europe and in Africa and of the superior expertise worldwide which can be easily mobilized for our customers », indicated the former campaign director of Idrissa Seck who decided not to join the opposing camp after her resignation.

« I underline that I do not plan to go to Apr, I am not a transhumant. I just want to dedicate myself to my professional activities », she specified.

Born in 1972 in the United States of an Ukrainian mother and a Senegalese father (all engineers in agronomy), Léna Sène spent her childhood in Senegal before returning to the USA for higher education at the age of 18 years. Brilliant, she succeeded an entrance examination for Bates College, one of the most prestigious private schools of higher education in economy of the United States.

Source : Africa Top Sucess

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